BBD Maintains Unique Commitment to Not-For-Profit Organizations And Government Entities
A Message From BBD's Not-For-Profit Group Managing Partner, Adam Watson:
BBD is well known for our Not-For-Profit and Government Group’s unique dedication to the accounting, audit and tax needs of our more than 500 clients. BBD has a separate practice area dedicated to the service of the investment management industry. We have announced today that this practice area, BBD’s Investment Management Group, is being acquired by Cohen & Company.
While we are pleased for our friends in the firm’s Investment Management Group and excited for their next chapter, it’s very important to note that this acquisition will not impact any of our not-for-profit or government clients. No partners or staff who serve not-for-profit or government clients are involved in this transaction. Please be assured that the team that serves your organization today will not change as a result of this acquisition.
We remain committed to your needs with our primary focus on not-for-profit organizations and government entities. In a time when merger and acquisition activity in the accounting firm industry is common, we are committed to remaining an independent firm. We want you to know that we are at your service, as always!
Please feel free to reach out to any of your BBD team members should you have any questions.