BBD Volunteers with Junior Achievement "JA in a Day" Program
BBD firm members taught financial concepts to fifth grade students at the Add B. Anderson Elementary School in the School District of Philadelphia on May 9.
The Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) hosted the program as a part of PICPA Cares, their outreach initiative offering volunteer opportunities to CPAs throughout Pennsylvania.
The program, called JA in a Day, is designed and directed by Junior Achievement (JA), a nonprofit dedicated to fostering work-readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills, via volunteer-delivered programming, to kindergarten through twelfth grade students nationally. JA in a Day is a fun, intensive crash course on business and economic concepts for school students, taught by the employees of a corporate partner. Students learn about basic economic principles, how businesses function, career opportunities and global markets.
BBD volunteers participated in advanced training on the curricula via JA to prepare to run the day-long lessons in the elementary school classrooms.
"There were a few students who were really grasping the concepts and I think they will take something away from the day," said Raj Misra, a Manager at BBD and one of the volunteers. "One boy in particular had a eureka moment; that was really encouraging to see," he added.
Giving back is an important aspect of life at BBD, and firm members participate in a number of volunteer activities throughout the year. For more information about past and future service opportunities, visit our Community page and follow us on Instagram.